Mar 17, 2021
Quantum Quote: “Work smarter, not harder.” - Mark Sclafani
Considering the right heating system for your home can be a challenge. But heat pump technology advances, cost reductions, and generous government and utility incentives now make it easier than ever to gain a comfortable, efficient, and cost-effective heating and cooling solutions that save you money - and reduce your carbon footprint.
If you are a homeowner or a business owner looking for a program that will help you understand the scope and incentives of moving into geothermal, this interview is for you.
Mark Sclafani is the Director of Demand-Side Management at Central Hudson, the distribution utility serving the mid-Hudson Valley. Mark has been with the company since 2008, and has been working with energy efficiency, clean energy, and conservation programs that help customers save energy and money.
Mark oversees gas and electric business projects and interfaces with key accounts. He took his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of New York at Binghamton.
Mark has always been interested in saving energy and making things more efficient. Central Hudson has efficiency programs that allow customers to get a discount on efficient technologies encompassing lighting, industrial processes and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Air & Ground Source Heat pumps are the primary focus of their Clean Heat program.
Sign up for a free webclass to discover how easy it is to get ultra-efficient geothermal heating and cooling installed in your home – without the pain of emptying your savings account.
In “The Power Of Earth With Comfort” From ClimateMasterwebclass, you’ll discover the answers every homeowner needs to know, including:
If you tired of rising energy costs and want to save up to 70% on your energy bills, Go to and register now for this FREE special event that will show you exactly how to get geothermal heating and cooling installed in your home.
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SuperNova #1. “Heat pumps work smarter by using available heat energy – either in the air on in the ground – rather than heating the air up directly like a traditional heating system would.”
SuperNova #2. “By electrifying the heating load, we’re utilizing the system better during the winter and at night time when there’s not as much load. The more throughput through the system, the better it is for all customers.”
SuperNova #3. “New construction is the absolute best time to consider a geothermal system.”
Unique Tool or Tactic People Should Know But Don’t: “There’s a lot of thought out there about the upfront cost of a geothermal system, and something people should really be considering is new construction.”
Most Energized About Today: “I think this is an amazing time to be in this field. In particular, there’s two major electrification technologies that are both really coming to the mainstream at the same time - Heating & Vehicle electrification.”
Internet Resources:
Central Hudson’s Efficiency Program Manager: