Sep 17, 2020
Quantum Quote: Margaret Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
“With the greatest crises come the greatest opportunities. It's hard not to see what we can’t accomplish as a state, a country, and globally to put ourselves back on a track and define what clean energy development can be.”
Today, we hear how Ethan Blumenthal, a young entrepreneur just a few years out of law school, created Good Solar as a new way to provide low-cost community solar to nonprofit organizations, as well as low and moderate-income communities in North Carolina.
Discover how North Carolina became the number two state for solar installations in the United States and how Ethan sees the current economic, environmental and social crisis as an unprecedented opportunity for the clean energy transformations we all want and so clearly need.
Sign up for the AWESome EarthKind™ Clean Energy Master Class to discover 3 simple actions you can take to start saving money and make the world a better place - without having to learn complex technology
Supernova 1: North Carolina is second only to California in the amount of installed solar. NC is also the second biggest financial hub in the US.
Supernova 2: Everyone has solar opportunities, no matter where they live, or what their utility structure is like. While many states, like New York, have deregulated electricity supply, NC and other states have “vertically-integrated” utilities who generate, transmit and distribute their electricity.
Supernova 3: Non-Profit organizations and governments can partner with for-profit companies to leverage capital, gain solar investment tax advantages – and provide solar to low and moderate income communities.
Supernova 4: Look local to find success. Find a non-profit advocacy or work organization. Provide written testimony or speak to your government leaders.
Supernova 5: Seek out and find a mentor – don’t wait for one to find you.
Supernova 6: The value of participation cannot be underestimated. There is always a way to have your voice heard. Reach out to your city council, county commission, local leaders, state legislators and governor. Let your voice be heard, whether you testify in person or submit written comments.
Supernova 7: Change always takes a tremendously long time, much longer than you expect. Then, when it happens, it's always faster than you ever thought possible.
Internet Resource: DSIRE - Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
Book Recommendation: Lighting the World: Transforming Our Energy Future by Bringing Electricity to Everyone by James E. Rogers, Jr. and Stephen P. Williams
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