Aug 17, 2020
The Energy “Big 3” – Electricity, Heat & Transportation – are responsible for ~90% of our Greenhouse Gas emissions.
AWESome = A.W.E.S. = A (Air) W (Water) E (Earth) & S (Sun) + M.E. (you and me)
Previous Episodes:
1. Earth Day’s Denis Hayes – Organized the 1st Earth Day & the Earth Day Network that made Earth Day the largest non-religious holiday in the world.
2. Clean Energy Pioneer Scott Sklar. Ridiculed for 40 years, Scott has now –
3. “How to choose LED lighting” with Bernie Erickson, who installed LEDs in the $4 Billion Oculus center next to the 911 memorial in NYC.
4. Fighting Covid with UV Lighting & Ionized Air. Bernie Erickson and Jeff Barat, an energy and ventilation expert, share:
Click HERE to let us know what YOU want to hear in future episodes. You automatically be entered to win an LED Light Fixture. Your response will determine the future episodes of AWESome EarthKind.
For a 15% discount code toward your UVC purchase, visit
View the FSG COVID case study and brochure at