Oct 26, 2020
Quantum Quote: “What is stopping YOU from taking your next step in moving to clean energy?”
Are you concerned about climate change and the extreme weather events that are more intense frequent?
Do you want to do something – but aren’t sure what to do, think that it won’t make a difference and that it will cost too much?
Ron Kamen is the CEO of EarthKind Energy Consulting and the host of The AWESome EarthKind Podcast. Ron’s life mission is to empower everyday people to make clean energy transitions to reduce their carbon footprint– and save them money. For more than three decades, Ron has energized communities, governments, non-profits, and businesses to take their next step and increase energy efficiency, use renewable energy, and lower electricity, heating & transportation costs. He’s now building an online community of AWESome EarthKind people ready to “Go Clean and $ave Green.”
Sign up for the free 90-minute AWESome EarthKind™ Clean Energy Demonstration to discover 3 simple actions you can take to start saving money and make the world a better place – without having to learn complex technology.
Supernova 1: Burning fossil fuels for our electricity, heat, and transportation is now the cause of ~90% of the greenhouse gases that are fueling extreme weather events around the globe – threatening our loved ones, all those we know, everyone currently alive - and all future generations.
Supernova 4: Most of us have been impacted by the more frequent and intense hurricanes, tornados, microbursts, floods, droughts, and fires. On the video episode section of the AWESome EarthKind website, you can listen to a few stories of some of the Weather Time Fudge experiences of our guests – and Ron’s family’s experience with a tornado in upstate New York.
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