Oct 29, 2020
Quantum Quote: “What they found was that gas stoves release several hazardous pollutants. Homes with gas stoves had nitrogen dioxide concentrations 50 to 400%, higher than homes with electric stoves. And that can really have an impact on respiratory systems.” - Rocky Mountain Institute
Do you cook with a gas stove?
Did you know that recent studies have shown that gas stoves emit pollutants that can increase your child’s risk for asthma?
And that gas stoves can make the air quality in your home so bad that - if it was outdoor air - it would be illegal?
By switching an induction stove - you can prevent the respiratory impacts caused by the release of nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide when using gas stoves.
And - you can take one more step to transitioning to a renewable energy future - with a cleaner - and more controllable - method of cooking.
With the magnetic technology’s efficiency, power and precision, induction cooking may be the ‘iPad’ of the kitchen that could forever change everyday cooking tasks.
Jessica Azulay is Executive Director of Alliance for a Green Economy, which works to advance a just transition to a 100% renewable energy system in all sectors. Jessica is a policy analyst, researcher, and activist, who fights to eliminate dirty energy in all forms. She is also an avid cook who used to love her gas stove - but discovered that her induction stove is more controllable, cleaner - and healthier.
In this episode, Jessica shares her knowledge of thermal energy, her experience in cooking with gas stoves, and why she made the switch to induction cooking.
Sign up for the free 90-minute AWESome EarthKind™ Clean Energy Demonstration to discover 3 simple actions you can take to start saving money and make the world a better place – without having to learn complex technology.
SuperNova #1. “This statistic that they found, which kind of floored me when I read it, was that this really impacts children and increases their risk of asthma. The study found that homes with a gas stove increase the risk of childhood asthma by 42%.”
SuperNova #2. “We need to educate people about the health impacts of gas stoves, and also the climate impacts and the path to renewable energy by electrifying everything. Some people, they'll start out small, because maybe they can't afford a full range or they can't afford to replace their stove right now.”
SuperNova #3. “The work that we do to change the energy system is really just another way to make a fairer, and more just country and world because our energy system has so many implications for people's lives. It's all about whether people have access to their basic necessities like heating, electricity, the ability to cook and refrigerate your food, get to your job, and get to your family.”
Worst Clean Energy Moment – None. Had cooking disasters - but those were “operator errors”, and not the fault of the induction stove.
Ah-Ha: Turning on the stove for the first time and seeing how fast it boiled water, and how much control there was on the temperature.
Best Advice she’s ever received: Saying yes to doing hard things makes all hard things easier.
Personal Success: Go outside into nature.
Internet Resources: Energy Information Administration - state energy statistics.
Book Recommendation: The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben
One thing that Energizes today – Intervening with the utility rate cases and going toe to toe with the utility companies and the regulators, putting in expert testimony and having an impact.
WTF or F - Fun: Taking a natural shower in the rain.
Parting Advice – Get involved somehow, do what you can. All of us pulling together can make an impact.
Important Link: https://rmi.org/press-release/health-air-quality-impacts-of-cooking-with-gas/
Connect: Email: jessica@AGREENewYork.com