Jul 12, 2021
Quantum Quote: “It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop.” – Confucius
Do you want to reduce your heating and cooling costs - but aren’t sure how to afford the best options? Do you want to save money and help make a better world?
Whether you’re a gas or an electric residential, multifamily, small business, or commercial customer – National Grid’s clean heating programs can provide incentives to help you make your clean energy transition.
Today’s program is with Jennifer Cross. Jenny is a Senior Program Manager at National Grid for both their Heat Pump and Electric Products Programs. These two programs contribute to the success of National Grid’s building electrification and electric efficiency portfolios, with a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
The NYS Clean Heat Statewide Heat Pump Program is also contributing towards state-wide carbon reduction goals by collaborating with the other NYS electric utilities and NYSERDA.
Jennifer has 6 years of experience working on energy efficiency programs. She has a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning focused in Environmental Planning from the University at Albany, SUNY, and a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. It was during her Architecture years that she started becoming interested in the environment and clean energy as a whole.
Visit ngrid.com/nys-cleanheat for Heat Pump incentives and nationalgridus.com to find information on energy-efficient products and rebates.
In “The Power Of Earth With Comfort” From Climate Master webclass, you’ll discover the answers every homeowner needs to know, including:
and much more…
If you are tired of rising energy costs and want to save up to 70% on your energy bills, Go to www.AWESomeEarthKind.com and register now for this FREE special event that will show you exactly how to get geothermal heating and cooling installed in your home.
We’d like to hear from you! Please help us understand how AWESomeEarthKind can help you achieve your clean energy goals – and you’ll automatically be entered into a Sweepstakes for a Free LED Light Fixture:
SuperNova #1. I think it’s driving home the fact that geothermal heat pumps are highly effective. They make use of available heat that’s already stored within the earth. They use 25 to 50% less electricity to run when compared to conventional heating and cooling systems.
SuperNova #2. A great time to look into installing a new heat pump system is when your current heating and or cooling systems are coming to the end of their life, when you’re undergoing home renovations, or if you’re building new construction.
SuperNova #3. Geothermal is really taking existing heat that is stored on the ground. It’s working less to serve well.
Most Energized About Today: “I think it’s a really exciting time and New York State has very ambitious goals. National Grid is doing a lot to take responsibility for their portion of what they can control on reaching these goals. Climate change is essentially the greatest challenge that’s facing us all, and I’m happy to be involved and be working with this program across the state. I’m proud of it.” – Jenny Cross
Parting Advice: “It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop. There’s a lot of work ahead of us, and we’ve got to take those small steps to get there. Just be proud of those small steps and don’t stop.” – Jenny Cross