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AWESome EarthKind

Nov 30, 2020

Quantum Quote:  "I am always intrigued by the resistance to change, especially with clean energy. We can get rid of coal & oil. We really can. We just need the willingness to adapt”.

Do you want to take action to protect wildlife and reduce pollution? 

Do you want limits put on carbon pollution, action on climate...

Nov 23, 2020

Quantum Quote: "Anybody who tells you they know what the future is going to be in 10 years is either lying to you or they're lying to themselves."


Over half of all the people in the world currently live in cities - and the number is expected to increase to two-thirds of the world by 2050.


Cities need large amounts...

Nov 16, 2020

Quantum Quote: "I'm an innovation architect. I like innovating. As regards to clean energy and clean mobility, I don't think you can have mobility without clean energy."


Everyone wants to improve our shared planet in a way that leaves it better for our children.


How would you like your community, workplace or home...

Nov 9, 2020

Quantum Quote:  “Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) is something that brings in a beautiful win-win scenario. It's a program that allows towns, cities and villages to pass a local law, decide how they want to administer the program to get their power, and then go out into the marketplace with all that aggregate demand...

Nov 2, 2020

Quantum Quote: “As we rolled into the future, I saw technology starting to develop, I'm a technologist and kind of a green energy geek. I love technology around creative ways to generate electricity and make the transformation away from fossil fuels over the long term.”

How would you feel if you were one of the...